Creative contemplation Bhavana is a highly potent instrument that might be utilised to create a new version of oneself inside since it helps us do so. To drastically rearrange or realign your internal experience of yourself, it works with your emotional power. This is regarded in yoga as being creative, imaginative, or emotionally charged for future projection.
Bhavana is an effective way to sharpen your imagination and change the course of events in your universe. This strategy will assist you in visualising your goal of having a healthy body and lifestyle, and it’s quite conceivable that you will succeed in doing so. You may completely modify your life by using this strong and imaginative instrument to impact your imagination.
A person cannot use their emotions and imagination to look within themselves and use these to change their lives if they are not employing their Bhavana properly. Our emotions have a deep relationship to our awareness, which may lead to many incredible things but, if not well controlled, can also have negative effects.
Importance of Creative contemplation Bhavana.

Due to the continually increasing number of practitioners, “yoga” has become a household term. Yoga is the practise of uniting the individual self (soul) with the Supreme Self, sometimes referred to as Paramtman or Brahman. Yoga’s ultimate goal—”to be” or “to live” in the Self—can only be reached via the practise if yogic bhvan is nurtured from the start. For the development of yogic bhvan, there are several sources of inspiration and information. One’s practise may reach a new level as a result of a close relationship with and commitment to a teacher.
For the majority of students, more research into yoga scriptures and allied literature serves as a crucial basis. K Pattabhi Jois is frequently credited as saying, “Yoga is 99% practise and 1% theory.” An old book called the Gita provides a far more comprehensive description and knowledge of the practise of yoga. It covers yoga from a variety of angles, including karma, bhakti, and jna yoga, providing diverse viewpoints and methods for practising yoga. The Upanishads frequently convey their lessons through a student’s inquiry of an enlightened instructor in a form that is detailed and simple to understand.
There is a sutra in the Yoga Sutras about focusing the attention on someone who has given up attraction (offered as a way to overcome obstacles in yoga). There are accounts of the lives and deeds of famous sages and characters in other writings, such as the Bhagavata Purana and the Ramayana. It is through their examples that we are able to gain a deeper understanding of our own path.
Understanding the types of yoga.

Creative Contemplation Bhavana Yoga and Prana Samyama Yoga are the two major categories into which yoga may be categorised. There are several pathways that describe various methods to achieve unity or oneness. These many routes are sometimes referred to as styles of yoga.
Bhavana Yoga
It is divided into three major categories namely.
- Karma Yoga
- Jnana Yoga
- Bhatkti Yoga
Karma yoga
The yoga of action or labour is known as karma yoga. It is the way of devoted effort by giving up the fruits of our labour as a spiritual sacrifice as opposed to keeping them for ourselves. Most people who are outspoken and have a focus on their bodies choose this career. It teaches you to act selflessly and without regard for gain or profit, which purifies your heart.
Jnana Yoga
The main objective of Jnana yoga is to unite the Atman, or inner Self, with the Brahman, or Universal Self, in order to free oneself from the Maya, or realm of illusion, which consists of ideas and perceptions. The mental exercises of self-questioning, reflecting, and conscious illumination are consistently used to attain this. For individuals whose mental faculties are stronger and more predominate, this method is appropriate.
Bhakti Yoga
The yoga of unwavering love is bhakti yoga. Every living thing’s most fundamental motivation is love. This route instructs how to transform negative emotions into unwavering love and compassion. A bhakti yogi is driven primarily by the force of love and sees God as the manifestation of love in all things for the sake of realising oneself.
Patanjali Kriya Yoga in Context of Creative Contemplation Bhavana Yoga
Rishi Patanjali advises Kriya Yoga practise to achieve samadhi (Samadhi Bhavana) by reducing the grasp of Kleshas, the afflictions, which have a strong hold on people. Our ability to integrate Tapas, Svadhyaya, and Isvarapranidhana effectively speeds up the process of achieving Samadhi, our ultimate life aim. We require yoga practises to harmonise and integrate our body, mind, and heart from a holistic life perspective.
Prana Samyama Yoga
Samyama Prana Samadhi is attained according to yoga through the development and management of prana. These types of yoga traditions include the ones listed below.
- Mantra Yoga
- Hatha Yoga
- Laya Yoga
- Raja Yoga
Mantra Yoga
Mantra yoga is a subset of Tantra yoga that employs various sounds in the form of mantras for healing, relaxation, arousal of the Kundalini, chakra awakening, and self-awakening. The physics of mantra yoga enables us to comprehend the structure and sonic evolution of the entire cosmos. Mantras are powerful instruments for purifying, energising, and expanding the energy body.
Hatha Yoga
The mother of all contemporary yoga techniques is hatha yoga. It sets the groundwork for more advanced yoga techniques like meditation and samadhi. The term “Hatha” is made up of the words “Ha,” which means “Sun,” and “Tha,” which means “moon.” Hatha yoga exercises are particularly designed to awaken vital energies, chakra and kundalini energy, and higher awareness in addition to being a physical exercise meant for health and fitness.
Laya Yoga
In order to achieve samadhi, or Self Realization, the primary goal of Laya yoga is to direct the mind’s focus toward listening to the ethereal inner voice (Nada). The creator of this kind of yoga is Yogi Gorakhnath, a student of Yogi Matsyendranath. It is based mostly on Shaivistan practises and incorporates a variety of specific techniques for mind absorption into the ultimate truth.
Raja Yoga
The Royal Path or the key to all yoga is Raja Yoga’s literary meaning. To reach the greatest level of awareness, or Self Realization, one must follow a path of self-discipline. Raja yoga was mentioned in several ancient spiritual texts and is one of the oldest yoga systems. In his well-known book of yoga sutras, Rishi Patanjali organised and harmonised it.