President Biden has criticized so-called “abortion protests”

President Biden has criticized so-called “abortion protests”

Why did President Biden criticize a protest?

On Saturday night, a group of about 100 people marched from the house of Judge Brett Kavanaugh in Maryland to the home of Chief Justice John Roberts. In addition, an abortion protests centre was set on fire on Sunday.    

What was the protest about?

The White House said the protest must never include “violence, threats, or vandalism.” “But it should never include violence, threats or vandalism. Judges play a vital role in our society and should be able to do their job without worrying about their personal safety.” The organizers of the Saturday evening demonstration at the judges’ houses called it a picket with candles.   

Shouting slogans and carrying banners, the group marched from Mr Kavanaugh’s home in Chevy Chase, Maryland, to Mr Roberts’ home less than a mile away. On Monday, another group is expected to protest outside Judge Samuel Alito’s home. Mr Kavanaugh, whose conviction was confirmed in court in 2018, has faced protests at his home in the past, as have other judges. In the Midwest, vandals set fire to the headquarters of Wisconsin Family Action, an anti-abortion group, Sunday morning in what police called a targeted attack. 

The message “If abortion is not safe, then neither are you” was spray-painted on the outside of the building, and an unlit firebomb was also found at the scene.  

A recently leaked draft opinion suggests that most of the nine Supreme Court members will reject abortion rights across the country. The final decision of the court is expected in June. A paper written by Conservative Judge Alito called the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion in the United States “grossly wrong from the start.” If Rowe is lifted, the 13-state ban on nearly all abortions will go into effect immediately, with more to follow. Abortion is projected to continue legal in about half of the U.S. states.    

What is new law about?

On Monday, New York lawmakers announced a new law expanding access to abortion. Several other states on the left have taken similar action. New York also said it plans to provide funding to groups that help people travel to the state for abortions.   

After the leak, protesters for and against abortion gathered on the steps of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. In scenes reminiscent of the riots that followed the attack on the United States Capitol last year, an eight-foot fence was erected around the building. Thousands more Americans gathered in their cities and communities for Mother’s Day weekend, from Chicago, Illinois, to Houston, Texas.