The court judge decided that the state GOP had violated the Tennessee Republican Party open meeting laws. <oreover, when it gathered to remove Starbuck and two others off the ballot.
Mr. Robby Starbuck has submitted a petition to compete in the Republican primary for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District. The Republican Party found that Mr. Starbuck was not really a true Republican. Removed him first from the ballot.
He filed a federal court complaint seeking an order compelling the Republican Party to reinstate him on the ballot. But the court drops the claim when he fails to win a preliminary injunction from a federal court.
He subsequently filed a lawsuit saying that the GOP breached. The Tennessee Meetings Act by finding in a non-public session that he was not a member of the GOP.
The trial court missed when it ruled that TOMA extended to the Republican Party in these circumstances.
About The Tennessee Republican Party
Since the late 1990s, Tennessee politics interests Scott Golden. He began working as a Field Representative for Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn’s office in 2003. Scott then worked on the Steve Forbes Presidential campaign in New Hampshire. He was most recently the Field Coordinator for Van Hilleary for Governor.

Bob Golden, Chairman of the Tennessee Republican Party. Unanimously elects for the second term in December 2018. From 2007 until 2018, he was a member of the National Executive Committee. Representing the 27th State Legislature District. Gloden serves as the deputy chief of the staff of congressman Stephen Fincher.
Scott Golden A.K.A Madison County Republican Party Man of the Year for the 8th Congressional District in 2010. He was named Tennessee Republican Party Statesman of the Year in 2016. He and his wife Christie have been married for 16 years and have three children. Ela, Kipi, and Andrew. In Jackson, Tennessee, he attends Fellowship Bible Church.
Rules of Tennessee Republican Party
A system of regulations and bylaws regulates the state party. These often structure the various organizational levels, county. Including state committees and create processes for selecting committee members. During presidential elections, the bylaws often include information on the party’s procedure. For electing and assigning representatives to a national party convention. The regulations of the Tennessee Republican Party are summarizes here.

- The committee of the republican state executive is the state’s ruling body for the party.
- The committee comprises 66 representatives, with one woman and one man representing each of the 33 states.
- The committee that consists of the executives is supposed to meet three times a year.
- Emergency meetings are called by the chairman, or it is also done when 22 members appeal for it.
Delegate distribution for the 2016 National Convention
At a national nominating convention, a political party officially nominates its presidential candidate. State delegates choose the party’s nominee at this convention. States have presidential choice primaries or caucuses before the nomination convention. In general, only state-recognized parties hold primaries and caucuses.
The governing authorities of the two main political parties are the Republican and Democratic parties. Individuals who want to learn more about the nomination process may approach the political parties directly.
Tennessee had 58 representatives at the 2016 Republican Convention
Of this number, 27 were district-level delegates. Delegates of the district level are propotional. A candidate had to garner at least 20% of the district vote to be eligible to receive any of the district’s delegates. If a candidate obtained more than 66 percent of the vote in a district. they or she received all of the district’s delegates. If the winning candidate in a district achieved between 20 and 66 percent of the district vote, he or she got two of the district’s delegates; the second-place finisher received the remaining delegate.
28 to 31 delegates assign on a proportionate basis. To get at-large delegates, a candidate also had to receive at least 20% of the statewide primary vote. If a candidate achieved more than 66 percent of the vote, he or she received all at-large delegates from the state. Furthermore, three national party leaders were bound delegates to the Tennessee Republican Party.