Venus is More Like Earth After the Discovery of Tectonic Action

According to the new studies, Venus is now more like Earth than we have ever thought. The planet is still topographically active. An investigation of Venus shows some structural changes in it. Researchers recently agreed that Venus, like Mars or the moon, has a permanent lithosphere than the Earth.

Which is the new ocean that has been added to the list of the world’s oceans?

On World Ocean’s day, the national geographic team added a new ocean to the other four oceans. Let’s dig into the blog and understand which is the pristine ocean and why it is added.

Insights of things happening beneath the surface of ice planets

Ice is found very commonly in our solar system, like poles of Mercury, Moons, rings around Jupiter and Saturn, and the comets. Ice is found everywhere. And the new experiments show that the water percolates magnesium selectively from the rocks between the size of the Earth and the six times the extent of the water-ice planets.

Gray whale sets a world record by swimming halfway across the world.

A male gray whale, approximately 40 feet long, has made a record. The research states that it is related directly to the endangered western gray whales in the Northern Pacific Ocean. It was found near the Namibia coast, and around 200 of these are left in the world

ANOTHER DRY YEAR FOR WESTERN US? Water stricken area now headed towards megadrought crises.

Just about each indicator of drought is flashing red throughout the western U.S. After a dry winter and heat early spring. The snowpack is at much less than half of normal in lots of the vicinity. Reservoirs are being drawn down, river stages are losing and soils are drying out.

What are the new alternatives that the government is planning for heating our homes, and how costly would they be?

What is the Ban on Gas boilers IEA talking about? How will we heat our houses without the gas boilers? What are the alternatives, and how much will they cost? We have a lot of questions regarding the ban that IEA announced. For a better understanding, let’s understand what all measures we can take to keep our homes warm.

The Future of the Plastic Waste Crisis is in the hands of 20 Companies

Surrounded by plastics at every corner we see, we live in a plastic world. Twenty companies in the world generate 55 per cent of the total plastic waste the world produces. What are these companies planning matters for the world? Will they start making alternatives, or will we see the planet dying under a plastic waste pile?

Hоw Сlimаte Сhаnge Mаy Be Imрасting Stоrms Оver Eаrth’s Trорiсаl Осeаns

When  NАSА  сlimаte sсientists соmmuniсаte in рubliс. They’re regulаrly requested аррrоximаtely feаsible соnneсtiоns between weаther аlternаte аnd extreme сlimаte events tоgether with hurriсаnes,  heаvy dоwnроurs,  flооds,  blizzаrds,  wаrmth wаves аnd drоughts. …

The Mystery on How do Elephants Communicate Got a New Story!

Elephants are known to be the cutest and peaceful mammals alive on this planet. However, it takes a few seconds for them to turn into violent animals. There are many…

Antarctica glaciers are crying, but are we doing anything for it?

What are we doing to Antarctica? Why is it crying for help? Things we are releasing while creating something for ourselves is harming Nature.