Disadvantages of Wireless Mesh Network

Disadvantages of Wireless Mesh Network

What is Wireless Mesh?

There are three different types of network topology: star, tree, and mesh. A wireless mesh network comprises wireless nodes linked together based on work location. It is also known as an ad-hoc wireless network due to its design. The wireless mesh network is self-contained and does not require any foundation. They’re also known as self-organizing networks. Multi-jumped networks are another name for them. Two nodes on the mesh network either impart directly or through other nodes on the path/route.

How Does a Mesh Network Work?

A lattice network is an architecture that relies on a few nodes for its operation. They connect remotely, extending the Wi-Fi signal over a larger area and limiting no man’s land. In a non-direct example, the nodes connect. Every node can communicate with others in this way. This means that if one module cannot pass data to another, it will attempt a different route.

There is no “one-stop” communication point.

This is a more advanced option for web clients, although it’s far from complicated. It could benefit many people, including those with modestly valued properties. Mesh networks have been in use for quite some time. They were previously wholly wired. As a result, they were both pricey and confused. Regardless, experts have figured out how to build mesh networks with wireless equipment. This eliminates the cost of constructing a complicated wiring system. This also makes the networks more versatile and convenient to businesses and households. Since the emergence of IoT, or “The Internet of Things,” this type of system administration has increased. A mesh network is a low-power, low-cost option for connecting several web devices—a wide-ranging wireless mesh network with no data misfortune or connectivity concerns.

Disadvantages of Wireless Mesh Network

Disadvantages Of a Mesh Topology


Every node must send and receive messages and act as a switch, increasing the complexity of each node substantially. Assume you’re working on a small, low-power device—say, a room occupancy sensor—and you want to devote some effort to improve your reach. The nodes must now monitor messages from five or ten of their ‘ neighbours,’ significantly increasing the amount of data that the node must manage to transmit a message. Consequently, if you add extra sensors to the mesh to improve reach, you’re usually making the system more complicated.

Network Planning

As previously stated, mesh networks are frequently incredibly adaptable, and adding a node to a network is typically not a difficult task. However, planning the network as a whole is a different thing. Let’s say you have helpless inertia in one of your structure’s spaces (which we’ll discuss further down), and you desperately want a specific light to turn on faster than it does presently. You’d need to set up a dedicated node to handle progress messages with a mesh network. However, this throws your network’s plans off because you now have to ship a piece of hardware only to get your communications delivered in a reasonable amount of time.

Increased Workload

When one of the network’s nodes closes, others in the mesh must step in to support the network. This means that the responsibilities on another node are more than anticipated. Currently, every node in the network has many duties to complete. Every node serves as a switch and sends messages, making the system more complex. As one node becomes faulty, the amount of information flowing through it increases dramatically.


Latency—The time it takes for a message to go from a node to a passage—can impact how your mesh network is planned. Surprisingly, using a mesh network with a more extensive scope system with higher transmission capacity, memory, and power could help idleness. On the other hand, latency becomes a problem with smaller low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs) since they lack the processing capability to cope with the information. As a result, messages will most likely be decoded considerably faster than messages sent via a ZigBee mesh if you have a Wi-Fi network. This is an exciting subject to consider depending on the convention you’ll use and the level of latency required by your application.

Power Consumption

Because each node in a mesh must function as both an endpoint and a switch, it must attract greater working capacity. Consequently, if your nodes are battery-powered and low-power, a mesh could become challenging to convey without a lot of network planning.

Assume you have battery-powered nodes in your smart security system’s windows and doors. The control board is kept in the cellar by the user, while all the sensors are located on the first and second floors. While a second-story window may be low-power because it only transmits data, the sensors on the main floor should be able to handle messages from the second-floor windows and entryways. As a result, you’re increasing the amount of data that each node in a mesh must cope with, which means that batteries on some nodes will likely die sooner.