Parties can be made better and more entertaining when you have games to play. Similarly, you can better drunk stories when you have your friends and fun to play with them. So to help you get a lot of stories to remember and keep you entertained at your parties, we have brought you a list of games you can get at target for your parties.

Drunk UNO official Drink and Draw
Drunk UNO is the adult version of UNO for your parties with your friends. You don’t only have to draw out cards in this, but you also need to drink every time the cards tell you to do so.

Trunk of Drunk
Trunk of Drunk is for the people who get bored quickly from things. This game gives you the freedom to play eight different drinking games along with ping pong balls, reusable plastic cups, a custom deck of cards, and a rule booklet.

Bingo Shot Glass Drinking Game Set
This game keeps you on your toes. Please don’t get it confused with the bingo played by the elderly. This game comes with shots glasses with specific colors, and every time ball matches the color of your glass comes out, you have to drink.

Yard Pong
Yard pong is the bigger version of Beer pong with its own rules. When you buy this game, all you get is a few buckets with two hollow white and yellow balls. To get you acquainted with the rule book, a rule book comes with it.

Drunken Tower
You must have played Jenga while drinking. This might feel the same at first glance, but it’s different. In this game, every block you pull comes out with instructions that you need to follow. While testing your sobriety while removing the blocks. If the tower falls, everyone has to take a shot.

Moving Beer Pong Robot
Take your energy for pong to a higher level with a pivoting robot that will make it way harder for contenders to make a shot. Shrewd sensors hold it back from tumbling off a table or chancing upon things so that you can zero in on your game.