We are all familiar with the character of mighty Superman, an iconic character introduced to the world by DC comics. Many actors played characters ranging from Christopher Reeve to Brandon Routh in the past. In recent movie, the Kryptonian, Henry Cavill bought character into action flawlessly as the new Superman in Black!
Recently the talks of black Superman movies, with J.J. Abrams and Hannah Minghle as the producers and Black Panther comics writer Ta-Nehisi Coates penning the screenplay. With big names on board, Warner Bros wants to re-introduce the franchise with the new characters into the DC multi-verse. There is no mention of a particular name as the movie director. Still, WB bento has a black director who proved his talent with Berry Jenkins and Ryan Coogler, as per The Hollywood reporter.
Even though there is no mention of any names for the actor taking on the role of Superman. The Internet still assumes that it is Michael B.Jordan to play the mighty Kryptonian on earth. In an interview, the actor said, “I’m flattered that people have me in their conversation. It’s a compliment, but I’m just watching on this one.”
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The Hollywood Reporter also says that the origins of this story will be from comic books. Hence, the hero comes to the rescue and saves his destroyed planet, Earth. Therefore, making it similar to the story of the original Superman.
Warner Bros have plans to change the story by introducing a new character after the success of the recent Synder’s cut justice league. With bringing a unique and compelling member to the Justice League to help them in a war against one of the most powerful antagonists in the DC universe, Darkseid. Although the tale of a black Superman might be new for movies, it has its mentions and stories of origin in the comics.

The Superman in Back – Comics Reference!
With an infinite number of the universe, stories of different types of Superman have been prevalent, having different personalities and stories to cover their past. The most prominent is Lord Superman from justice lords, Superman Beyond from Batman Beyond, Superman Red Son and many more apart from the “main” Superman.
There are two prominent mentions of black Superman in the comics, Calvin Ellis and Val-Zod having different stories and personalities.
- Val-Zod- The character of Val-Zod, one of the black Superman to exist in the DC multiverse. He had his first mention in Earth 2, issue number 19, in 2014. He got his title of Superman after the original Superman Kal-El of that universe was considered dead. Being a Kryptonian as the original Superman, most of his powers are strength, super speed, agility, and all others very similar to Kal-El. The thing that makes him different is his very superior intellect gained after profound studies of Kryptonian science.
In the comics, he is described as a pacifist , one of the very few in the universe to take on a brainwashed Superman.
- Calvin Ellis (President Superman)– During a presidential campaign in 2008, former President Barack Obama cracked a joke. “Contrary to the rumours you have heard, I was not born a manager”, he continued “. I was born on Krypton and sent here by my father, Jor-el, to save Earth.” Later on, after the interview, artist Alex Ross came up with a painting of President Obama. In a picture with a similar pose as Superman, tearing his shirt with an “O” on his suit instead of “S”. This gave Comic writer Grant Morris the inspiration for a black Superman resulting n the birth of Calvin Ellis.
We are Eagerly Waiting for The Superman in Black Avatar, Are You?
Calvin Ellis has a similar story coming from Krypton as per the comics. But apart from the superpowers of strength, freezing breath, laser eyes and others similar to Superman. He also has power over humanity as the President of the United States. According to the comic stories, president Superman fought alongside the Justice League members in an Apocalyptic timeline with the Title Final Crisis.
Though the story or actors are not decided yet, the fans are excited about introducing a new character. This character can bring along a set of new possibilities in the multi-verse. Though, people supporting the makers and the idea of making this movie.
While Warner Bros are introducing Superman in Black, the rivals, MCU, are also planning to launch a new Avengers team. We want to see which one comes out to be better.