What is Trek coin? TREKS is a multipurpose token designed to be used for finance and utility on the Playtreks platform. Swap Trek Crypto can be used for subscriptions, royalties, crowdfunding, fan participation, and other purposes.
Swap Trek Crypto News
(swap trek crypto price). The current price of PlayTreks is $0.012033059463, with a 24-hour trading volume of $3,801.05. The price of TREKS has increased by 0.4% in the last 24 hours. It has a total supply of 10 Million and a circulating supply of 0 TREKS coins. Tokpie is currently the most active exchange for buying and selling PlayTreks.
How do I change my token to BNB?
To begin, sign in to your Trust Wallet Account via your mobile app. Make sure you have enough TERK tokens for the swap.
To exchange your TERK token, go to the DApps option, which is located in the bottom right corner of your mobile screen if you are using the Trust Wallet mobile app.
In DApps, look for PancakeSwap in the list. To swap trek crypto, select PancakeSwap. After selecting PancakeSwap, you will be on the PancakeSwap website.
When you arrive at the PancakeSwap website, look in the upper right corner. There will be a symbol; click on it to see if it is a Smart Chain.
If not, choose Smart Chain from the list.
In most cases, BNB is the default option for swapping with. If another crypto is enlist, select it, and a list will appear. Choose BNB from the list.
Below the box, there will be a downward arrow; click on it. This will change the order of the options Cake and BNB. The cake will rise, and the BNB will fall.
Select the Cake option, and the app will prompt you to enter the swap trek crypto. Enter the TERK contact information listed below, i
- 0x53035E4e14fb3f82C02357B35d5cC0C5b53928B4 is the contract address.
- Terk’s name
- Terk is a symbol.
- 18 digits
The TERK option will appear after you enter the address. Choose that.
You will now be in prompt to enter the number of TERK tokens you wish to swap. Enter the amount and compare it to the exchange value of the cryptocurrency with which you are exchanging TERK.
When you enter the amount of TERK, the BNB exchange rate will be on display in the box under the BNB option.
Select the swap trek crypto option. The page will ask you to confirm the process once more. To finish the process, click the Confirm Swap button. Wait a few minutes for the swap trek crypto amount to be credible.
Is Terk on Crypto com?
Yes, and you can use Crypto.com’s converter function in the top-right corner of this page to check Terkehh’s price in the fiat currency of your selection in real-time.
The Terkehh price page is one of many in the Crypto.com Price Index, which includes the top cryptocurrencies’ historical prices, price ticker, trading volume, and live charts.
Terkehh Coin – Wrapped BNB trades under the ticker TERK-BNB on the PancakeSwap v2 exchange on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.
Are Terk coins tradable? To sell the TERK token on the Trust wallet, initially swap the TERK token for BNB on PancakeSwap, then convert BNB to the stablecoin BUSD. Following that, you will be able to withdraw fiat currency from Binance. Unlike other major cryptocurrencies, the TERK tokens cannot be on sale directly on Trust Wallet.
If the error message appears, it means that the token’s liquidity is still in inlock. You must wait a while before beginning the process again. The swapping will not be complete until the token’s liquidity is not in the lock. There is nothing the user can do until it is in inlock.
On January 24, 2022, PlayTreks reached an all-time high of $0.532997. (7 months).
On March 17, 2022, PlayTreks reached an all-time low of $0.009916793647. (5 months).
PlayTreks’s 24-hour trading volume is $3,801.05.
On Trust Wallet, the swap trek crypto (TERK token) is easily exchangeable for BNB.
Coinbase does not currently support Terkehh.