Founder of Ethereum on pseudonymous culture!!

Founder of Ethereum on pseudonymous culture!!

The tweet of the founder of ethereum validates cryptocurrency’s completely anonymous culture at a moment when the industry’s rapid growth has driven its top players to become even more transparent about their identities.

Buterin recently entered the argument over anonymity. However, not officially remarking on the BuzzFeed controversy. On Wednesday, he shared his ideas on Twitter.

As an anonymous, you don’t face negative personal repercussions for expressing things other people don’t like, but you also lose out on many positive emotional consequences, he tweeted.

In the crypto sector, many people are known by their online names rather than their real names. Vitalik shares that this is great, and the government has no right to decide who you are. If you use a name daily, that’s your real name. In most encounters, he said people should avoid referring to their official titles as their exact names when using a different identity.

The founder of Ethereum says hundreds of millions of dollars have still been invested.!!

founder of ethereum tweet validates cryptocurrency’s anonymous mindset at a moment when the industry’s rapid growth has driven its leading competitors to be more transparent about their identities.

Even though capitalists have put significant amounts of money, if not billions, of dollars into what they’ve created, many people operating major crypto enterprises are only known by pseudonyms.

This difficulty was emphasised in February when Buzzfeed uncovered the genuine identity of Gordon Goner and Gargamel, the creators of the prominent Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection. Wylie Aronow and Greg Solano, two 30-year-old literary graduates who met growing up in Florida, ended ou up being them.

Some people in the crypto community were outraged by Buzzfeed’s story, alleging it amounted to doxxing, a word used to describe someone who intentionally publishes someone else’s private information online.

founder of ethereum has already been constantly thinking about how to address the problem of anonymity in crypto recently. In May, he co-wrote a study with economist E. titled “Decentralized Society: Finding Web3’s Soul.” Glen Weyl and attorney Puja Ohlhaver suggested “soulbound tokens,” unchangeable NFT-like tokens that may record any information on the blockchain, from a person’s school qualifications to career history.

Unlike NFTs, which may be sold or transferred, soulbound tokens will be created and received through blockchain wallets called “Souls.” According to the report, souls might interact with each other. A university’s “soul” may assign a soulbound currency to its graduates’ “soul” accounts, or a sports league could offer soulbound tokens as a non-fake ticket. This might give companies with unchangeable proof that someone holds a certificate from a university or prohibits the sale of counterfeits.

founder of ethereum and his co-authors envision a “decentralised society” in which individuals keep permanent recordings of their most critical information on the blockchain, aided by soulbound tokens.

Soulbound tokens are currently primarily hypothetical, but they have the potential to transform how Web3 establishes online identities. What’s intriguing is that, despite all of the personal information that may be stored in a soulbound currency, Soul wallets would not automatically have to be linked to a legal identity, according to the study.

The internet’s anonymity.

Buterin has recently entered the anonymity debate, though he has not formally commented on the Buzzfeed controversy. On Wednesday, he shared his thoughts on Twitter, adding that while releasing proper names for transparency is sometimes necessary, there are occasions when anonymity is essential, such as when voting or sitting on juries.

Buterin stated on Wednesday that relative anonymity on the internet allows individuals to express themselves freely.

He did, however, acknowledge some disadvantages. As an anonymous, you don’t face negative personal repercussions for expressing things other people don’t like, but you also lose out on various significant repercussions, he tweeted.

founder of ethereum has already spoken out publicly against anonymity. Buterin reacted to Russian journalist Leonid Bershidsky on Tweet in 2017, citing former Google sir James Damore as an instance of the risks of revealing your identity publicly. In 2017, Damore issued a sexist email criticising Google’s diversity policy, claiming that women are more neurotic than males (more anxiety, lower stress tolerance).