A Complete Tour of Gantry Plaza State Park +1-866-869-5359

Gantry Plaza State Park is a 12-acre riverbank desert garden with spectacular views of Manhattan’s skyline, including the Empire State Building and the U.N. Take a relaxing walk around the recreation area’s four docks or through the well-kept nurseries and spectacular fog springs. Pause for a moment along the way to admire the rugged beauty of the recreation area’s main points – the re-established gantries. These modern icons were formerly used to stack and dump rail vehicle floats and barges, but they are now vivid reminders of our waterfront’s history. The recreation area’s square is a fantastic location for a spring or summer show, with the city horizon as a backdrop and the gantries as a component. B-ball courts, jungle gyms, handball courts, and a fishing dock with a cleaning table are all included in the sporting offices.