Are you excited to know some facts that you never knew about ‘Toy Story’?

We have found out the top 11 facts we assure you never knew before. If you are a Toy Story fan, dig into the blog to these unknown facts about our favorite, ‘Toy Story the movie.’

Disney’s Upcoming Live-Action Movies

Disney fans have been treated to a lot of versions of Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, The Jungle Book, and The Lion King, as well as, most recently, Cruella. There’s a lot more on the way, with Ariel and Snow White just two of the iconic characters set to get a modern makeover in the coming months. We’ve also later learned that Peter Pan and Wendy are in the works.

Looking for what all is in the movie, ‘Jungle Cruise’? Well, we have everything you want to know

The jungle cruise is, of course, familiar to many. We are here to familiarise ourselves with the thoughts it contains. Dig into the blog to know more

Did you know? The Dexter season 9 is coming out

Dexter season 9 is coming out, and the fans are getting crazy. Dig into the blog to know everything about the new season. Scroll down and get entertained.

Top 5 college movies that you would love to watch

A college movie is amusing because it will remind you of your time at a university, without the drama, sorrows, and whatnot. College-set films often centre around harrowing coming-of-age stories. These are rarely story arcs with happy endings.

Are you not intrigued to know who all could show up in the new Black widow sequel?

There has been speculation about who could show up in the Black Widow sequel, and these are 8 of the most likely candidates. Dig into the blog to know more.


The  Bаtmаn is set tо hаve а mаssive stаr-studded саst, sоme оf whоm hаve hаd their rоles аnnоunсed аlreаdy. 1.  Jаyme Lаwsоn Is Exрeсted Tо Рlаy А Соmрletely Unknоwn Сhаrасter Саlled Bellа Reál. Uрсоming асtress Jаyme Lаwsоn is entering the Bаtmаn universe аs Bellа Reál, whо араrt frоm being а mаyоrаl саndidаte, fаns knоw nоthing аbоut. Bellа dоesn’t exist in the соmiсs, So this соuld either be…

A fan of the T.V. series Gossip Girl? Well, these shows will take your heart away

Are You sitting bored at home and looking for some new Tv series to binge-watch? Well, we have something special for you. Dig into the blog to know more.

Top Remakes that were way better than the originals

Not all remakes movies came out to be bad. Let’s appreciate the ones that took away millions of hearts. Dig into the blog and check all the films mentioned below. See if you missed any one of them?


Netflix has officially dropped its new animated series, “We the People”. The show has got some decent response from the audience. Coming under the production of Obamas, the show delivers some…